jeudi 21 octobre 2010

Creative space
Mon atelier

Ok ça ne se passe pas sur ma table ou mon établi mais elle est l'élément clef de mon atelier, le génie des lieux... Je ne peux travailler que si elle est confortablement installée!
Everything that happens at my bench is submitted to the welfare of the genie of my studio: I can only work when she is comfortably settled, that means she has dug a tunnel and a nest among the blankets of the sofa

9 commentaires:

  1. Ooh comme c'est chou...elle a l'air adorable!

  2. What a cutie!
    Very much like one of our cats :)

  3. Mine sometimes just comes and sit on the things I a making at my worktable ... she needs a little attention at that time ... :-)

  4. les miens squattent les peaux de mouton ;)
    ah c'est dur la vie de chat !!

  5. oooh how cute!!,so cosy in these cold days!!!


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