vendredi 17 décembre 2010

Visite guidée de mon atelier.....Come and visit my atelier

D'abord le coin lecture. Ici je lis, je dors. Mon chat aussi et de préférence enroulé dans les couvertures...
First my couch where I read, I sleep...and where the cat sleeps too (under the blankets)

Puis le coin couture et l'établi devant la fenêtre...
Then the sewing machine, just under the window, my bench

and then my beading table and board

puis ma table....utilisée!

et... une invitée! Lise venue avec sa maman attends patiemment que nous ayons fini de discuter perles...
And Lise waiting patiently while her mother and I were chatting about beads...

5 commentaires:

  1. Would love to come and bead together one afternoon with coffee, cake, the cat, a little chat an lots of fun !
    Love your ergonomic workingtable.
    Thanks for sharing your treasured place !

  2. Oh my, look at all those beads!! And very cute visitor...

  3. Thank you so much for sharing!
    And who is it in the last pic?

  4. love your creative chaos, Lucie! looks great and inspiring!

  5. I really like your Studio...It shows your creative techniques at work!



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