samedi 28 juillet 2012

De retour!

I can't help posting some of our vacations pictures, I hope you'll forgive me...
 We've had an oversea crossing, 15km to reach the island, and here we were, on the Island of Groix (Morbihan, France)

Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de poster ici quelques photos de nos vacances sur l'île de Groix. Les meilleures vacances depuis longtemps (merci Anne)

Une des particularité de l'île, sa richesse géologique.
The island is well known for its geological variety

Just above the little harbor, this is the view from the kitchen
Située au-dessus du port, la vue depuis la cuisine

Pictures are by Loïc Capdeville (except the mineral lacy rock)
Photographies par mon cher et tendre (sauf la dentelle minérale)

9 commentaires:

  1. I love your photos of holidays, Lucy, you always capture that feeling of horizon, nature and the human in it.

  2. Beautiful. Groix always makes me think of what the sailors say--"qui voit Groix voit sa croix". But there's another version Qui voit Groix voit sa joie. Much better!

  3. Love the top photo...and photo #6.

    Is photo #6 a sunken ship? So amazing....

  4. Yes, this ship was called Sanaga and went dead in the 1970s. The wreck is still impressive and dramatic.

  5. That place looks magical. Lovely photos.

  6. breathtaking indeed !!!


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