jeudi 21 mars 2013

Isn't it spring?
Printemps? Où ca?

I won't say anymore about spring... It's not there. Instead I can show off my new earrings, it seems I am able again to be happy with what I produce. Well, quite happy. The copper drops above have something amiss. Okay, the picture isn't good, I agree. But there's something else wrong that I can't point out... maybe the size or the too round shape of the earwires....?

Bon, pas un mot de plus sur la météo. A la place, je vais plutôt parler de boucles d'oreille. Il semble que je sois à nouveau en mesure de fabriquer des choses qui me plaisent. Enfin presque parce que cette paire de boucles en cuivre et laiton ne me plaît qu'à moitié. Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas et je ne parviens pas à mettre le doigt dessus... Peut-être la taille et la forme trop ronde des attaches?

These I like! They remind me of old navy compass or sextant. I don't know anything about nautical instruments but I've got some images in my mind of old antiqued brass tools that look like that. You'll remember these pyramidal antique beads that I love soooo! Here and here

 Celles-ci je les aime! Elles me font penser à d'anciens instruments de marine. Bon je n'y connais rien en navigation mais j'ai des images en tête d'instruments en laiton que j'ai dû voir dans des musées. Un sextant? Vous reconnaitrez les fameuses perles anciennes en verre pressé que j'ai déjà utilisées et

I made another batch of blue patina on copper, these are with some tiny robin eggs antique glass beads, I was asked for more and these sold as soon as they were listed, so I'll make some more!

 On m'avait demandé des boucles avec de la patine bleue sur cuivre, donc j'en ai fait une nouvelle paire qui s'est vendue aussitôt listée dans ma boutique! Donc patience pour celles qui sont intéressées, promis, j'en referais!

 Remember these? I posted them modeled on my new mannequin but I wasn't happy with them. Well now I've added a bumpy vintage silver cabochon that I have wire wrapped on the vintage silver filigree. It's better me think. But the contrast between the bright shimmer of the aluminum leaves and the fantastic ceramic boulders beads from HappyFallout makes them very hard to photograph. I should try again, well I will but I would need some LIGHT !!!!

Vous vous souvenez de celles-ci? C'était la paire que portait mon nouveau mannequin dans un post précédent. Bon, je leur ai rajouté un cabochon grumeleux, ancien, forcément, que j'ai fixé sur un filigrane en argent avec du fil de métal. Et là, je les trouve mieux. Bon, les photos sont mauvaises, je vous l'accorde, mais le contraste entre le brillant des feuilles martelées en aluminium (par mes soins) avec les perles en céramiques de HappyFallout est tel que la cellule de l'appareil ne comprend rien... Je vais essayer de refaire des photos, mais pour ça, il me faudrait de la LUMIERE!

Thank you for your very encouraging and supporting comments you left previously! I really appreciate them! Do you guys come back to read answers? I just don't know how to do and since now you must have thought that I was so rude not to reply! I do apologize sincerely, I so love to read your comments, I certainly wouldn't want you not to come back!
Lela, I would make some more of these urchin earrings soon :)
Tracy, I like my studio but light is very scarce, but I've got some project about that!
Lois, well, glad you like my haircut. It's normally not a proper fringe...
13 my hair has a life of its own and I must adapt  ;-)
Louise, I'm so glad you wear my earrings all the time, your journal is always at hand too!!!!
Janet, my photographer isn't sight challenged and definitely not of the kind that makes compliments, I usually like his frankness, except that day!!
So sorry if I forgot someone!

6 commentaires:

  1. Your earrings are irresistible, Lucie, and I just noticed the magazine link on the left side of your page. I've ordered that magazine and can't wait to see you in paper print!

  2. well from the sounds of it, you might be in Europe, and if spring isn't there yet, what hope is it for Canada? haha
    it's sunny here today but oh so crispy and cold. YUCK!!

    i love the compass earrings. And the blue patina. i wish i could put patina on everything :D

  3. Lucie, these earrings are each and everyone one, just delicious! Love them! I also enjoyed your comment responses. I too have rebellious hair. Resistance is futile. Hahaha, very happy to hear that your photographer isn't sight challenged but i must continue to disagree with him as I still don't think you looked like a dead thing in your photos. LOL

  4. Lucie, I have the magazine now & again I congratulate you on your article! It's well written and has gorgeous photos of your work.

    Hooray! You'll be making more of the urchin earrings. Please send me info before they are listed. Thank you.

  5. Love yourunique style even more after reading the article on etsy.

  6. Lucie your new earrings are just so beautiful, it is impossible to decide which I like the most! And a big congratulations to you for featuring in the magazine, I must try to order it!


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I love reading your comments, thank you!