lundi 8 avril 2013

What's up?
Quoi de neuf?

It's not a picture of the moon...
next one is probably more explicit

Il ne s'agit pas d'images de la lune, peut-être que la photo suivante sera plus explicite

An idea? Maybe it's obvious, I don't know... the smell would lead you
Une idée? Si ça se trouve vous avez déjà trouvé.... sinon, l'odeur pourrait vous aider

yes, they were close ups from those stains caused by the fire last january, the fire and the water to be more precise. It's dry now after more than 2 months of heavy and very noisy machines. They are gone!!! Hoorraayhh!!! but not the smell yet...

Il s'agissait de gros plans des tâches laissées par l'incendie et l'eau des pompiers de janvier dernier. Les murs sont enfin secs!!!! Après plus de deux mois de bruits des extracteurs! Je ne les regretterais pas ceux-là! Hourrah!Bon, pour ce qui est de l'odeur, ce n'est pas encore ça....

So now, before the painter's job, the new tube of the stove will appear from the floor, climbing from the kitchen below and would go through the room to the ceiling up to the attic then through the roof. The workers are coming tomorrow to start!

Donc maintenant, avant les travaux de peinture, c'est le tour des cheministes qui vont installer un nouveau conduit de poêle qui va arriver à travers le plancher depuis la cuisine à l'étage au-dessous, traverser la pièce du sol au plafond pour déboucher dans le grenier puis à travers la toiture. ça commence demain!!
Nous avons donc déménagé mon atelier couture là où il y avait de la place. Vous pouvez voir mes mannequins, ma machine à coudre est derrière

So we moved what used to be my sewing room in another room, you can see my dummies, my sewing machine is in the mess

 So in the kitchen, we had to complete the brick wall because now the tube will be outside (and not inside the wall as previously) from the stove to the ceiling. For those who know me, you know that's my job to put up brick walls, any psychological interpretation anyone?
I don't know how my dear husband did take that picture of me working (in my fashionable blue suit) but it seems that I'm big and the wall is not high... but I assure you that the ceiling is more than 2.50 meters high!!!

Dans la cuisine, il a fallu prolonger le mur de briques réfractaire jusqu'au plafond, car maintenant le tube sera devant et ce jusqu'au plafond (et non plus dans le mur comme avant). Pour ceux qui me connaissent, vous savez que c'est mon job de construire des murs de briques... une interprétation psychanalytique?
Je ne sais pas comment Loïc a pris la photo où on me voit en train de travailler dans mon superbe bleu (n'est-ce pas?), mais on dirait que le mur est tut petit, or je vous assure que le plafond est bien à plus de 2,50m de haut!!!!!

(oh and I managed by pure chance to put 2 pictures side by side!!!!!
oh et j'ai par pur hasard, et je serais bien incapable de le refaire, réussi à mettre deux images côte à côte)
So that's why my shop is a little dead , I was working line by line, one line a day, and each brick weights a ton, well 5kg, I would say, don't ask me in ounces! These are special bricks meant to support high heat.
 (at least one reason, another reason is I am dead tired these days, some hormones problems and a little depressed too I admit, plus some lack of sun.....)

C'est la raison pour laquelle je n'ai pas été très productive ces derniers temps questions bijoux. Je montais ligne par ligne, une ligne par jour et chaque brique réfractaire pèse une tonne, enfin 5kg chaque au moins! (c'est en fait une des raisons, pour le reste, j'admets que je me traine ces dernières semaines, plus des problèmes de dérèglement hormonal et un peu déprimée aussi je l'avoue, et un gros manque de soleil...)

So here is one completed pair of earrings, yes! To be listed in my shop tomorrow.
I've received those amazing ceramic drops by the very talented Petra of ScorchedEarthonEtsy that I've associated with two fancy vintage brass findings that I had kept till now thinking I would use them with somethig extra-ordinary, here it is!!!!
 Read the description Petra gives of the droplets : "Hand formed in Southern ice Porcelain, and painted with smooth black stoneware slip. Then glazed over with Transparent Crackle glaze and Bronze clay, and fired. The slip has bled into the glaze during firing, giving it an aged, burnt appearance." Aren't they beautiful words for awesome droplets?
 This first picture is somehow very pale, I don't know what I've done with it....
and I've associate the drops with some antique matte dark bronze beads

Voici donc une paire de boucles d'oreille terminées!!! J'avais commandé ces magnifiques gouttes de porcelaines réalisées par la talentueuse Petra. Je les ai associées à ces composants anciens en laiton patiné que j'avais précieusement gardé jusqu'ici en attendant une occasion de les utiliser pour une pièce spéciale.... la voilà! Je ne traduirais pas la description technique que donne Petra de ces gouttes de céramique, c'est de la poésie!
and another picture because the first is no good at all.
et comme la première photo n'est pas bonne (toute pâle, je ne sais pas ce que j'ai trafiqué....), en voici une autre!

 ah, oui, en parlant de céramique, ça fait quelques temps que j'ai envie de mettre à nouveau les mains dedans et de patouiller (je ne l'ai pas fait depuis un atelier sculpture à la fac), et donc voici mes premières perles en argile en cours de séchage.... déjà de la casse!
About ceramic, it's been a while I wanted to put my hands back in the "mud" (I haven't done since one workshop at University), so here are my first clay beads drying, and first misery too....

Voilà, c'est tout pour aujourd'hui!

11 commentaires:

  1. Hi Lucie!
    Went to Barnes and Noble yesterday and sat there with a great cup of coffee and a super rich brownie and grabbed the latest edition of Belle Armoire Jewelry and saw your wonderful article...whoo are a brave lady to ship your stuff across the world but it looks great and I wish you could have the thrill of seeing it in the bookstore...but i did that for you...cheers and all the very those new earrings and of course our darling Petra’s work aas well.

  2. Ahhh Lucie, I'm sorry to hear that you've had such a rough go of it lately.
    There's an end in sight to this fire/water mess. You've done a very nice job with your brick wall.
    Your new earrings are incredibly beautiful! LOVE them!

  3. Lucie, we are sisters in spirit! It´s my job also, to put the bricks down, haha.
    ...and I know that kind of massive bricks!
    You will enjoy your kitchen afterwards.
    love the ceramic beads, all this makes your jewelry so individually!

  4. Lots of strength to complete that work, it is mostly done!
    Gorgeous earrings too :)

  5. Such a job!! Well done. I hope you'll feel more secure with a nice brick chimney in place.
    Lovely earrings and beads. Especially like the ones that look like cracked shells.

  6. Thank you Cynthia and Janet!
    Viktoria, indeed I put the bricks up!
    Esther and Estella, yes, two more lines and I'm done!
    Tracy, in fact that brick wall will serve as a kind of warm reserve as the tube will be in front of it. And the beads are indeed shells prints and they broke in parts while drying!!!

  7. Dear me, I'm so sorry about your fire - must have been awful for you. Good luck with building that wall - looks like you're nearly there.
    Wowza - look at those beauties! They look gorgeous, Lucie!! The colours look perfect..
    Ahh, do i see some poor little cracked beads there? That mud - she can be a cruel mistress!!
    Peee xox :O)

  8. So sorry to hear about your fire, but I can see your doing a great job with the bricklaying. Those earrings are stunning, the gilded brass and ceramic drops were made for each other

  9. I'm really sorry for what happened but I'm glad to see that you overpassed the fear and now you can face the disaster and make something better out of it!

    Hugs! --^_^--

  10. Oh wow those earrings are gorgeous! Those droplets fit seamlessly into your shop!


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