jeudi 10 juillet 2014

Time for vacation
Temps des vacances

A few more days before going. To go on vacation, away.
To close the door of the studio.
Difficult moment, anticipated long before, dreaded. Some do clean, sort. It seems I can't. 

Quelques jours avant de partir. En vacances, ailleurs.
Fermer la porte de l'atelier.
Un moment difficile, longuement anticipé, redouté. Certains rangent, trient, nettoient. On dirait que je ne peux pas.

I've just managed to clean the bench (this picture is before cleaning) because of a dark dust covering all the surfaces coming from the work with the torch, burnt particules I guess?

J'ai juste réussi à nettoyer mon établi (la photo est prise avant) à cause d'une fine poussière noire qui recouvrait tout, je suppose des particules de matière brûlée résultant du travail au chalumeau?

It can sound mad, I know, but sorting everything and leaving the surfaces empty would be a kind of death... I need to know, to think that my work is still in movement, alive, even when I'm not working actually at it... I will switch off the lights though, I promise.

ça peut paraître absurde, je sais, mais tout ranger et laisser des surfaces vides serait une sorte de mort... J'ai besoin de savoir, de penser que mon travail est toujours à l'oeuvre, en cours, en évolution, même si je ne suis pas assise devant... Mais, promis, j'éteins les lumières avant de fermer la porte.

The last two weeks were these moments when whatever you do it's all awful and ugly. Time to go on vacation... And then yesterday I eventually completed these earrings. I like them but there is a little of solder that has leaked in the front on one of the pair, blah... so I will keep them for me. Weathered copper folded fan and antique filigree. Plus dark patina on the copper.

Ces deux dernières semaines ont été une période, comment dire... où tout ce que je faisais était moche, atroce. Il est temps de partir en vacances, donc. Et puis, hier, j'ai fini cette paire de boucles d'oreille en cuivre. Mais bon, sur une, de la brasure en étain a coulé... donc je les garde pour moi.

I'll be back from vacations by the end of July but then I'll be working hard on the renovation for the new studio so I don't know if I'll have time and energy left to complete some pieces, we'll see, I'll keep you posted...
I'll leave you now with some beautiful flowers from my garden in this summertime (click on the pictures to see them better).

Je reviens de vacances fin juillet mais j'enchaine sur les travaux pour mon nouvel atelier donc je ne sais pas si j'aurais le temps et l'énergie pour lister de nouvelles pièces, à voir... je vous tiens au courant
Je vous laisse avec les photos prises de belles fleurs de mon jardin en ce bel été (cliquez sur les photos avec la souris pour les voir en grand)


7 commentaires:

  1. Lucie, everything is so beautiful you make! And I love those photos, too!
    But, oh my, you have so many tools!

    Have a great time :)

    1. Thank you Dori :) About tools, it seems I'm always craving for new tools, hehe ;-)

  2. That's one thing that stands out about your work. You are a perfectionist, and it shows.
    Have a beautiful holiday, Lucie XXX

    1. You're right Dawn, sometimes I wish I wasn't ;-)
      Thank you, I enjoy these holidays, I will dream, draw, rest, see beautiful gardens and places...

  3. This post made me laugh. I can't work effectively if my work bench is too organized and clean. So yours looks just perfect to me! It will feel wonderful when you return to find all of your things just so, as if you had only been away from your studio a few hours. Thank you for sharing the photos of your gorgeous garden. Enjoy your well deserved vacation!

  4. enjoy vacation! i hope you'll have great inspiring adventures

  5. Go for wonderful holidays, and relax before the renovating action!
    I love the creative chaos on your workspace!


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