mercredi 25 mai 2011

Wednesday buttons...journée du bouton

Here are a few other buttons from my vintage treasures' box! Earthy, natural tones for these ones. The first remind me of a chocolate biscuit, I'm such a sweet teeth! The second are bi-colored, bakelite it seems, and the last are wild... and made out of horn, but which horn? Be my guest! :)
For more buttons, have a look at Petronella's blog

Voici quelques boutons de ma boîte à trésors. Aujourd'hui ce sont des tons naturels. Le premier me fait penser à un biscuit au chocolat.... les seconds sont bicolores en bakelite et les derniers sont en corne...tigrée! Mais de quel animal? Si vous avez une idée, je serai ravie de la connaître!

Pour d'autres boutons, jetez un oeil au blog de Petronella

8 commentaires:

  1. I'm going to go check out your vintage shop, now!

  2. Hehe....Dawn, I'll be listing them during the day, I promise!

  3. Me too! I love the 'chocolate biscuits'.

  4. they are real treasuries ! And have a real classy look !

  5. I love the two-colored ones ! The last seem to me probably tagua nut (again).... Thanks for playing at Button Wednesday !

  6. Petronella I've tested them with a red hot needle, and it's definitely horn! :)


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I love reading your comments, thank you!