Pause estivale et jeu de l'été
Summer break and a little game
L'été est là... Les figues sont sur l'arbre et mûrissent lentement, celles-ci sont celles de l'année dernière.
Summer is settling in. The figs are not ripe yet, this picture was taken last year…
Depuis plusieurs semaines, la douleur et l'inflammation de ma main droite sont de retour et m'interdisent toute activité manuelle.
Je ne sais pas comment gérer la frustration de ne pas pouvoir travailler... Je dois me détendre pour ne pas contracter le muscle mais la peur de la douleur fait que je me crispe et donc je déclenche la douleur... ça me rend folle, et dépressive.
M'éloigner de la maison pendant plusieurs jours, ne plus me confronter à la frustration chaque jour, me fera le plus grand bien.
Il est temps de se mettre en mode vacances et permettre à mes muscles de se réparer : ballades en bord de mer, glâner des coquillages, lire - beaucoup - rêvasser, être insouciante... Je me suis remise à l'apprentissage maintes fois commencé de l'espagnol, la langue maternelle de ma grand-mère. Que de blocages! Mais cette fois, il me semble que c'est la bonne, notamment grâce à une méthode exclusivement audio. Evidemment je ne sais toujours pas rouler les R et ça me vexe profondément mais bon, je ne lâcherais pas!
Since several weeks, the pain and inflammation in my right hand are back and forbidding any bench or assemblage activity.
I don't know how to deal with the frustration not being able to work. For fear of the pain, I'm stiff ... and it triggers the pain. It's driving me insane.
Away from the house and the studio, not having to face the frustration every day, will do me good.
Away from the house and the studio, not having to face the frustration every day, will do me good.
Time to switch on the vacation mode and let my hand heal : beachcombing, walking on the sea shore, reading – a lot -, daydreaming…. I’m trying -again- to learn Spanish, my grand-mother’s language. This forbidden language has set many locks somewhere… But I think this time is the right one, I’ve tried a very good audio methode, I’m hooked. I still don’t know how to prononce the RRRR, which vex me a great deal but I’m hopeful.
Voici la photo promise la dernière fois, l'envers de la vigne vue depuis mon atelier.
Et vous savez à quel point j'aime les boîtes à trésors? Et bien quelqu'un de très attentionné a pensé à moi (mille mercis, elle se reconnaîtra!) J'adore ce type de cadeau, les meilleurs!
Here is the promised picture : through the grape wine. The picture is taken on a rainy day, by my assemblage table.
And you know how much I love vintage treasure? I’ve been given a little treasure box by a sweet lady, this kind of gifts are the best ones!
Des anneaux de laiton, des attaches en laiton et émail noir, une drôle de poignée en laiton et une boucle de ceinture en laiton estampé très jolie. Et puis deux objets que je n'identifie pas. Le premier est sur la droite, en métal patiné noir avec une estampe florale sur sa "poignée".
Brass rings, brass and black enameled hooks, a brass curved bar and a fancy little belt ring. There are two objects I can’t identify, the first one is the little black kind of pin on the right with a floral stamping,
et le second est en deux morceaux et porte un nom anglais malgré un brevet déposé à Paris "Darning weaver". Un rapièceur? Mais à quoi cela peut-il bien servir? les petits crochets peuvent pivoter....
Voilà le jeu de l'été : la personne qui me donne la "bonne réponse" gagne... je n'ai pas encore décidé.
Désignation du ou de la gagnante en août! A suivre!
and the second is this two parts brass device. A darning weaver…? This is the name but what is it for? The little hooks are turning in their sockets.
This is the summer game : the person who gives me a correct answer for these two objects wins…. I haven’t decided yet… The winner will be chosen in august!
This is the summer game : the person who gives me a correct answer for these two objects wins…. I haven’t decided yet… The winner will be chosen in august!
Sorry to hear that your pain is so acute again. Happy for you though, that the weather is perfect for beachcombing and relaxing at the beach while you recuperate. Hope you have a great book or two to enjoy. What a sweet little treasure box. Only a guess here, but I think those menders were for darning socks and other similar fabrics. Will be fun to see what answers you get to your query.
RépondreSupprimerThank you my friend. I'm bringing a suitcase full of books. Darning socks, very interesting!
SupprimerEnjoy your time away from the studio, Lucie. You deserve to feel good--your work is beautiful, and we are patient.
RépondreSupprimerThank you my friend!
SupprimerBonnes vacances! profite bien et repose toi :)
RépondreSupprimerPour le rapiéceur j'ai trouvé cette explication
et le truc avec la poignet fleurie, ça me fait pensé à un genre de poinçonneur manuel. Ou alors les fleurs indiquent l'utilisation et c'était pour le euh jardinage? :D
Comme je ne vois pas bien la pointe c'est difficile à dire :)
Ah oui, joli document pour le rapiéceur! et vintage le document :-)
Supprimeret pour l'autre, le truc c'est que la pointe n'est pas pointue et n'est pas cassée...
Merci Steph!
I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, but catching up on some reading, taking walks on the beach and sleeping in doesn't seem like a bad idea after all. It's vacation time, so enjoy it! :)
RépondreSupprimerI'm not sure about the first unidentified (flying) object (hehe!!), but i did find out what the second one is. Here's a link with photos and instructions on how to use it -
Thank you Andreea!
SupprimerI like the link you gave with images that means it is possible to use it! :D
Lucie, it must be so frustrating to have at last the studio of your dreams and not be able to use it, because you injured your hand in the process. Wishing you a lot of strength and healing!
RépondreSupprimerAbout your puzzles: I love this kind of challenges!
The pointy thing looks to me like an embroidering awl that has lost its point, you know to open eyelets in fabrics.
The other contraption is mysterious, it looks a bit like a knitting frame for small bands. Because I cannot resist not knowing I have written to a textiles museum. I'll let you know!
Sometimes I feel like the guy who was sawing the branch on which he was seated and fell...
SupprimerYour guess sounds right about the pointy thing... but the end of it doesn't look broken
Thank you Estella! or is it Esther?
Lucie- I am really sorry for your hand-issue! I can only say that you have to be patient!!! I am thinking about you and hope this would be soon over! It' a great thing that you can stay in this amazing place, surrounded by nature and history! Love u! :*
RépondreSupprimerLucie, enjoy your vacations and take care of yourself! Your studio anf work could wait for a while!
RépondreSupprimerPour l'objet en forme de "poignée", est-ce que cela ne ressemblerait pas à un "abat-carre" pour cuir ? Un peu comme celui-ci ?
RépondreSupprimerJe vous souhaite de passer de bonnes vacances, les (mains) pieds dans l'eau, histoire de tout délasser ! :)
I am so sorry to hear your hand pain is back. How frustrating! But I would never turn down beach combing - it's my favorite activity during March when we get to visit a beach. Take care. Hope the hands heal quickly & enjoy your time away.
RépondreSupprimerThe museum responded that they didn't know, but I -Esther- am as stubborn as a mule and I found it!
It is a most charming darning contraption from the 40's!
And here is a tut about its use:
Thank you all for your comments and such interesting answers to my little game! This is a very useful object !
RépondreSupprimerAndreea, Esther and Stephanie, you're the winners, if you read this, please contact me with your postal address and I'll send you a little surprise.... lucie.tales{at}