lundi 25 août 2014

Working for the new studio : updates
Attention travaux : suite

 Souvenirs, souvenirs, it was a month ago and it already seemed to be last year!

C'était il y a un mois et j'ai l'impression que c'était l'an dernier!

The last house we visited in UK was Upton House in the North of the Cotswold

La dernière visite fut pour Upton House dans le nord des Cotswolds


an amazing park and gardens, an extraordinary painting collection constituted by a very interesting man, Lord Bearsted

Des jardins et un parc magnifiques, une extradordinaire collection de peintures rassemblées par un homme très intéressant, Lord Bearsted

my favorite part of the garden, the bog garden!

l'endroit que j'ai préféré du jardin

we had better rest before going home and work on the studio!

Nous avons bien fait de nous reposer avant de rentrer et nous lancer dans les travaux de l'atelier!

yeah, apparition of the ceiling! 

et oui, le plafond!!!

and now, the floor insulation

les semeuses

what is he doing?

Petite devinette : mais que fait-il?

He is cutting the different pieces of our new jigsaw : the plan in reduction for the wooden floor! This is what happen when you want a 1920s oak wooden floor...

Réponse : une maquette à l'échelle, M. Tales coupe les differentes pièces du puzzle : voilà ce qui arrive quand on veut un plancher vintage des années 20!

3 commentaires:

  1. I hope you are well rested from your holiday ... now back to work ... good luck and i think the floor will be wonderfull

  2. What lovely photos. Love the one of you and your man resting on those chairs! Especially after all the hard work you have been doing! You're a great pair. :D It's so great to see progress photos!

  3. That floor looks so complex but the end result will be well worth all the hard work. Upton House looks gorgeous.


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