lundi 28 janvier 2013

More fright than harm
Plus de peur que de mal

The year could have started in a better way... or a worst. Last sunday, we had a big big fright. A fire in the house. More precisely in the chimney. Our house heating is a wood stove. We do all things properly, it's taken care of by professionals every year, we even have a smoke detector. That has been very silent. The smoke wasn't in our house but did invite itself by our neighbors. We called firemen who are superheroes really. They were here in 4 minutes, just in time. And they worked more than 2 hours. We still have a roof!!! We've been very very very lucky.
Well, it did rain in our bedroom during 72 hours but the ceiling didn't collapse!

L'année aurait pu mieux commencer... ou plus mal... Dimanche dernier nous avons eu une grosse peur. Un feu de cheminée, sauf que c'est un poêle. Nous nous chauffons avec un poêle à bois depuis maintenant plusieurs années. Chaque année, nous faisons ramoner par des pros et nous avons même un détecteur de fumée. Tout bien comme il faut, tout dans les règles. Sauf que... dimanche dernier donc, le poêle tirait moyennement avec une drôle d'odeur sur le pallier. Nous avons d'abord pensé qu'un couillon de pigeon s'était mis au chaud dans le conduit (l'année dernière nous avons retrouvé une tourterelle étourdie dans note cheminée). Sauf que... vers 13h, les voisins du collectif sont venus nous dire qu'ils étaient enfumés et nous avons donc appelé les pompiers. Un dimanche ils étaient présents en 4 minutes et apparemment il était temps. Une vingtaine de pompiers se sont activés pendant plus de 2 heures et nous avons eu beaucoup beaucoup de chance. Nous avons toujours un toit!!! Bon, il a plu dans notre chambre pendant 72 heures, le plafond a failli s'effondrer et puis non, le plafond de briques suspendu à l'ancienne a tenu bon malgré les centaines de litres d'eau qu'il a dû supporter. 

Now we have the feeling to be in a ship because of the sound of machinery. There are different machines working day in day out to absorb the humidity out of the ceilings, walls and floors. The smell is tenacious.

Désormais et pour plusieurs jours nous vivons dans le vrombissement des machines qui pompent l'humidité des murs et des plafonds. L'odeur en revanche est toujours là.

We're heating the house now with an old gas heater that manage barely to keep the house not enough warm and eat all our money away. Nevertheless, we're still enjoying the feeling that we've been lucky, very lucky.

Nous sommes donc retournés au bon vieux chauffage au gaz qui nous coûte une fortune pour que la maison soit... tiède. Mais nous sommes chanceux, très chanceux.

Before the fire, I had been busy with an order from a delightful Parisian boutique, several sets of hairpins are now available in Paris, boutique Les Fleurs, 6 passage Josset, 75011

Avant l'incendie, j'ai préparé une commande d'épingles à chignon pour la délicieuse boutique Les Fleurs dans le 11e à Paris (6 passage Josset)

J'en ai profité pour travailler mon packaging.

I've been working on the packaging too

And today I've listed a new ring that I've called Granite because of the texture. I like how it turned up. It's a unisex ring, made to order.
I must admit that the last week has been hectic. Many experts went, the huge cleaning of the house, paperwork for insurance... and a disquieting feeling of vulnerability still there... It will need some time...

Et puis ce matin j'ai enfin listé dans ma boutique une bague mixte, en argent, avec une texture que j'ai nommée Granit dont je suis contente je dois dire. Cette bague est réalisée sur commande.
Je dois admettre que la semaine dernière a été mouvementée, les allées et venue des experts, le ménage énorme à faire, la paperasse pour l'assurance... Il va me falloir du temps pour me remettre en selle...

12 commentaires:

  1. Oh dear, that doesn't look good at all. Not good at all...

    LOVE the hair pins, the photos and the the other jewelry to bits!!! :)))

    hugs :)

  2. Lucie, that's such a frightening experience, but thank god it wasn't worse!

    Your new unisex ring is beautiful. And congratulations on the hairpins, which are so striking!

  3. sounds horrible what you had to go through, Lucie.
    Even when you must be lucky not to have more damaged.
    Hope all will be fixed soon!

  4. I'm glad that no big harm on your house and specially you happened! But it is really understandable that you had such a scare, hugs again!

    Beautiful pins and love the packaging too!

  5. How scary! So glad that you are both well and that the damage though difficult to remedy, was not more severe. Your packaging is lovely and showcases the headpins beautifully. I hope your sense of "all's well" returns to you quickly. Sending hugs.

  6. Congrats, Lucie, for the Parisien boutique, we are very happy for you.. and sorry about the fire, but the most important thing is that you are ok! Hugs from us,
    Antonia and Fabio

  7. A close call. You were indeed lucky. Hope you have calm surroundings again soon. Lovely hairpins and packaging.

  8. Oh my gosh...that is awful. Yes, so very scary! I'm so glad everyone is okay & hoping that things return to normal soon.

    *Love* your new ring.

  9. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this Lucie and so happy that you are all ok!! What a fright.

  10. Oh Lucie, that must have been a horrible experince but so glad you are OK.

  11. We had such a fire in the chimney few years ago and it was quite frightening. Good to know you are all ok. And just to say - your flower hairpins are truly amazing. I love them badly :)))

  12. Lucie, I am now just catching up and this is awful and extremely frightening! And as you say, could have been much worse. Thank goodness you are all safe and no wonder you need a break! Fingers crossed the sun shines warmly very soon x


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