jeudi 30 septembre 2010

My creative space
Back to lace!

I've often talk about my drawer of here are some.
I've always collected old linen, bits and scraps of lace. They are my cherished treasures. Sometimes I pull them out, refold them, sort them, admire them and I wonder at the hours our grand-mothers and all these women, their hands and eyes that have worked to produces these marvels!
The most difficult is to recognize them : Valenciennes, Lille, Calais, Bruges, Venise....There is a website I love to read about lace...unfortunately only in french

Voici quelques exemplaires de mes trésors de dentelle. J'adore regarder ces ouvrages, les replier, les trier. Je pense toujours à ma grand-mère et des générations de femmes avant elle qui ont travaillé tant et tant pour produire ces merveilles. Le plus dur pour moi reste de les identifier : dentelle de calais, Valenciennes, de Lille, de Bruges, de Caen, de Malines, de Flandres, de Venise, à l'aiguille, au fuseau, mécanique et tout le vocabulaire technique le réseau, le filet, le toilé, la grille, le cordon....Dentelle et Papillon est un site très bien fait, je vous le recommande :

Some more creative spaces at Kootoyoo's blog

9 commentaires:

  1. I don't know how to recognize them--they are beautiful!

  2. Me, neither. Is a certain motif specific to a certain place. What a fantastic collection.

  3. I am really in love with lace at the moment, as it is a great thing to incorperate in my felts. but when it is very old and precious lace I don't think I could ever use it in felt.... indeed thinking of all the hours that got into making it.

  4. I agree with you Kim. Lately (thanks to Dawn of Latouchables) I thought and considered that maybe I would do them a favor to get some out of my drawer and use some more in my jewelry pieces. At least some other people than me could admire them :)

  5. You should see my mothers collection of lace, it really is madness and an obsession :D
    Lovely goodies!

  6. Wonderful collection! Lace is so beautiful!

  7. Only recently I started to see the beauty and work that goes together in lace. Before it was only a thing of grandmothers to me. You should come to Bruges once to see demonstrations and visit the shops where you can buy the thread. I recently bought some to crochet with.

  8. quel plaisir n'est-ce pas, de plonger ses mains dans les dentelles :-)
    Encore merci pour le lien.


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